Elena Papushina was born in Moscow on February 15, 1969.
Then a lot of girls were given the name Elena. There was even a joke: «Who was born to you - a boy or Elena?».

At the age of 6, she started drawing and figure skating. She started draw at the drawing group, then in the studio of the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills, then at the art school №1 on Kropotkinskaya. She had to leave figure skating in the 6th grade because chose drawing. Graduated from the Moscow Art School in memory of 1905 with a degree in graphic artist, industrial graphics in 1989.

In 1989 her eldest daughter was born. After college, Elena painted small landscapes for sale, then she began to collaborate with publishing houses: illustrations for magazines and books, postcards, sometimes logos and corporate identity. Participated in exhibitions of the Moscow Union of Artists on Gogol Boulevard.

In 2005, the youngest daughter was born, and for several years Elena completely immersed herself in motherhood.

Now Elena is drawing again with great pleasure and great joy! And she remember why she like it so much when on the empty space of a canvas or a sheet of paper there is an echo of what she want to tell, but not in words. And the reality of communication, which the Internet now gives us, allows us to get a response from colleagues and viewers! And this is just an incredible, fabulous feeling of visibility and self-worth, which many people probably need. For artists, especially))).

Creativity gives you the opportunity and strength to rebuild your idea of yourself and life

2024 International exhibition «My Russia. XXI century», Le Corbusier Center, Moscow, Russia
2024 «Breath of Nature», Le Corbusier Center, Moscow, Russia
2023 International exhibition «Family Values», Le Corbusier Center, Moscow, Russia
2023 International exhibition «Meanings of Life», exhibition hall of the Moscow Union of Artists, Moscow, Russia
2023 International group exhibition «Elvira», Oasis Gallery, Bodrum, Turkey
2023 International art fair «Art Contact», Rumak Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2023 International art fair «Without Peonies», ZNUI Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2023 International exhibition «Gifts under the Christmas Tree», Zdes Na Taganke Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2023 International art fair «New Year’s Card», Ryazan Regional Art Museum. I. P. Pozhalostina, Ryazan, Russia
2022 «My Angel», ZNUI Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2022 «Moscow-Trend», gallery of the Union of Designers of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
2022 «Talents of Russia» (3rd degree diploma), New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2022 «Art World», art fair, «LUNA», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2022 International exhibition «Starfall», Zdes Na Taganke Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2021 «Art-Rostov», Donexpocentre, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2021 «Watching the Earthlings», «Here on Taganka», Moscow, Russia
1999-2005 annual collective exhibitions of the Union of Artists of the Union, 10 Gogolevsky boulevard, Moscow, Russia, section «Applied Art Graphics»

Kitty and Sisters
Acrylic on canvas, 50х50 cm, 2024
One Hundred Years Before Pikachu
Acrylic on canvas, 50х50 cm, 2024
Our Lovely Geese
Acrylic on canvas, 50х50 cm, 2024
Lucid Mind. Young Ladies
Acrylic on canvas, 80х80 cm, 2023
Lucid Mind. Family
Acrylic on canvas, 80х80 cm, 2023
Lucid Mind. Gentlemen
Acrylic on canvas, 80х80 cm, 2023
Lucid Mind. Baby in Rocking Chair
Acrylic on canvas, 20х20 cm, 2023
Lucid Mind. Baby with a Carriage
Acrylic on canvas, 20х20 cm, 2023
Lucid Mind. Baby with a Horse
Acrylic on canvas, 20х20 cm, 2023
Lollipop Looks like Saturn, Right?
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
Melody of the Starry Sky
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
The Big Dipper
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
The Oxytocin Constellation
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
There's an Orange in the Sky
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
You Can Talk, but It Is Our Secret
Acrylic on canvas, 60х60 cm, 2023
Сycling Is Fun. Boys
Acrylic on canvas, 40х40 cm, 2023
Сycling Is Fun. Gentleman
Acrylic on canvas, 40х40 cm, 2023
Her Totem Is a Baby Aardvark
Acrylic on canvas, 80х60 cm, 2022
Fairy Tales
Acrylic on paper, 29х29 cm, 2022
Acrylic on paper, 29х29 cm, 2022
Blueberry Ice Cream
Acrylic on paper, 29х29 cm, 2022
Family Look 1
Acrylic on canvas, 40х40 cm, 2020
Family Look 2
Acrylic on canvas, 40х40 cm, 2020
Family Look 3
Acrylic on canvas, 40х30 cm, 2020
Family Look 4
Acrylic on canvas, 40х30 cm, 2020
Family Look 5
Acrylic on canvas, 40х60 cm, 2020
Family Look 6
Acrylic on canvas, 40х60 cm, 2020
SINCE 2021